Cold-pressed Juice
Sức khoẻ của quý khách là điều trân quí nhất của chúng tôi
ĐV sỡ hữu website: CTy TNHH Saigon Eatery. Dc: 10, đường C - PMH Quận 7 Tp.HCM. ĐT: 0868393988. email: GDKKD: 0314536391.
100% watermaelon
- Antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory
- Reduce muscle aches, good for men and regulate blood sugar
- Antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory - Reduce muscle aches, good for men and regulate blood sugar...
100% orange
- Prevent cancer, anti-aging skin
- Prevent cancer, anti-aging skin...
100% pineapple
- Prevent arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease
- Prevent arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease...
100% grapefruit
- Aid digestion, anti-flu, dissolve fat
- Aid digestion, anti-flu, dissolve fat...