About us

Cell Clean Juice is a premium juice brand, using the latest European cold press juicer - Zumex Mastery (https://www.zumexfoodengineering.com/en/producto/mastery), along with a network of reputable agricultural suppliers. Pressing processes are strictly controlled to provide FRESH juice products: no sugar, water added & no preservative. Unlike traditional juice presses with centrifugal blades that continuously rotate to abate fruit which causes a great amount of friction, heat (over 70 degrees Celsius), cold pressing technology of Zumex Mastery uses high pressures from hydraulic presses to squeeze whole fruits & vegetables without generating heat, retaining maximum vitamins, minerals and enzymes in vegetables and fruits. 

- VISION: Contribute to build up the natural healthy lifestyle through greeny eating and drinking

- MISSION: to be professional in making and distributing of juices under Coldpress technology.